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M e d i t a t i o n


The Founder of H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

A unique & scientifically proven was that can bring one naturally into a

'State of Enlightened Mental Silence' 

where conflicts dissolve into the dimension of Peace Within

Experience the Silence Within!

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
recognised as a partner by UNESCO CENTER FOR PEACE

"Sahaja Meditation is a simple, time-honoured technique.  It helps reduce stress and increase wellness.  It brings better focus and helps people become more cantered and balanced"

Claus Noble, a great admirer of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga - he proclaimed it

“a source of hope for humanity” and “a reference point for determining right from wrong.”

Royal Albert Hall in London - 1997

This technique has demonstrated positive results in several research areas

including health, education, agriculture, relationships, communication etc.

It is an effective solution to the physical, mental and emotional problems of the modern times.

'World Peace cannot be achieved without developing
Inner Peace!'


 True Meditation

True meditation is a state of deep peace where the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert – a state of being known as ‘Thoughtless Awareness’.  Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation, this experience is now available to everyone effortlessly.

Our aim and noble intention is to introduce you to a fantastically simple way to connect with the instrument within that can take one to the ‘State of Inner Peace and Bliss’.


What we have noticed...

Man is slowly realizing and accepting that, deep within every human being is to be found an untapped source of Deep Peace. 

This explains why more and more people are saying ‘go within’, ‘meditate’, ‘take time out’, ‘quiet time’ and many more commonly used phrases.  Now, more and more people are awakening to the fact that, the peace we are seeking is within and not outside. 

The Truth...

This ‘Peace within’ which is ‘Energy’ can be connected to Pure Love.  It is a very scientific concept.  Since Pure Love has no boundaries, it is unconditional!  It can be likened to the Love a mother has and gives her child, which is unconditional and spontaneous.

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This ‘Energy’ (a Mothering Energy) within emits vibrations.  As we know everything in creation emits vibrations.  This is how we can recognize or identify it with our senses.

It is time to awaken to this Peace Within!

 Through this source of energy an Inner Transformation takes place which

develops the awareness of the connectedness to all things.

The sense of 'Us and Them' as well as the concept of diversity or differences within 

humanity is dissolved, which so often results in clashes and dissent both

individually and collectively.

Sahaja Yoga begins with...

An experience that is effortless, and spontaneous. With this very first experience (known as Self-Realization) you gain a new dimension in your awareness and witness the absolute truth.

Anybody can do it.

Practice for a few days and you should witness positive changes within yourself.

More About Sahaja Yoga Meditation


Once you start meditating regularly, there is a wide range of benefits you can tap into – from stress reduction, strengthening attention span, improving memory, and boosting confidence to attaining higher spiritual awareness – the list goes on. You can chart your own path. All you need is a pure desire to begin your journey.


Want to Feel the Silence Within?

Try out this 5 Minute Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

The Subtle System


The Chakras (energy centers) are the fulcrums that control most aspects of our physical, mental, and spiritual lives. Chakras are located at the sites of our main nerve plexuses. Often, difficulties in life can be traced to imbalances or blockages in one or more chakras.

Energy Channels

There are three main energy channels (nadis) in your body – left, center, and right. They correspond to your nervous system and connect your chakras. All three work together in synchronicity to integrate and balance your inner energy, and thus your well-being. Each has a specific role to play.

The Kundalini

Your inner energy, or Kundalini, is a soothing spiritual energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. It is an expression of the pure desire to evolve and better ourselves, something we all possess. When awakened, it rises through the central channel, clearing and activating your chakras. It allows you to achieve your Self-Realization.

Subtle System showing the 7 main chakras in English also showing the Kundalini and spirit

Self Realisation

In the past, the awakening of this inner energy was achieved by only a few individuals, through arduous efforts of purification, asceticism, and prolonged meditation.

Shri Mataji's discovery of awakening the Kundalini requires no previous knowledge or spiritual practice.  The spontaneous awakening can be passed on to others, without the necessity of paying money, acquiring a diploma or becoming a disciple.  "Like a candle that is lit can light another candle.”

The Origin of Sahaja Yoga

Sahaja Yoga was founded in 1970 by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923-2011). She discovered a simple and spontaneous technique to awaken the Kundalini energy within people, and dedicated Her life to teaching everyone of all nationalities, races, and religious backgrounds how to use Sahaja Yoga to better theirs. She envisioned the regular practice of Sahaja Yoga producing more harmonious societies, where people lead joyful, balanced lives. 

Shri Mataji Nirrmala  Devi


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